Are we really Overworked, or is it our choice ?


Most people who are busy and stressed these days, consider a large part of the cause to be overwork. They are just too busy.

We need to ask ourselves why we are so busy.

The answer must be that we have or are accepting tasks that we do not have the time to complete. So the easy answer is to not accept the tasks, then we would not be overworked. It is not a bad thing to say no when you consider the following:

·        If you don’t have the time to do something, but accept the task without starting it, you may be preventing someone else from doing it.

·        If you are stressed, then taking on too much may impact other work that is more important. 

Consider requests and prioritise the work against other work. Then, if necessary, explain why you need to say no.

Knowing your work priorities, and saying no with a reasonable explanation of them, can actually impress the requestor about your level of professionalism.
